Saturday, January 01, 2005

Cheers to the New Year & Our Julie

We spent our New Year's Evening at the home of my in-laws. 

What an excellent way to start out the new year sitting at the table with Julie. 

To think back over these last seven weeks to what she has been through is mind-blowing. To see her now and realize how far she has come is remarkable. 

She is physically moving around cooking and cleaning. Her speech is still slow, but now she is carrying on a conversation and speaking in sentences and paragraphs. 

Each time I see her, she has made more strides. It is hard not to throw my arms around her, pick her up, and cradle her. 

I want to tell her how proud I am. I feel like she is one of my children doing something grand--and she has done something magnificent.

She fought for and won her life. 

You can't start out the new year better than that.

Happy New Year!

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