Friday, March 04, 2005

A SAHM's Nightmare

My husband has been home for three days straight with a head cold, runny nose, scratchy throat, etc. He moves from the bed to his computer and back to his bed again. I really feel for him, I do, but I'm seriously exhausted from all the work I've had to do since he has been home! I mean, let's face it when the husband is home we SAHMs have to run around our houses like whirlwinds, so they don't get the idea that staying home is all fun and games.

We have a code for when the husbands are home. The unfortunate housewife with the ill husband calls one SAHM, and that person, in turn, calls the other SAHMs and puts the word out. That way, no phone calls will come in via the landline. We don't want the husbands to think we chatted on the phone all day for hours. The request goes out so we can meet for breakfast or lunch to be AWAY from the house and the patient under the guise of "running errands."

The scary thing is my husband is enjoying his time at home. He is still working, and he is finding that he is getting much more work done since there is no one to bother him. "I think I could get used to this," he said while I quaked inside.

So today, I am off to meet some SAHMs for lunch, where we will plot how to make it so miserable at home that the husband will BEG to return to the office. Any ideas? Let me know.

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