Sunday, March 06, 2005

Working It...

I have my husband's cold now. I am truly miserable with heavy sneezes, soreness from blowing every three minutes and that achy feeling that makes you just want to go back to bed and pull the covers up over your head.

The difference between us, however, is that I can't just go back to bed. For some reason, SAHM's do not have sick days. We do not get paid to lop around in our bed whining about our miserable head colds.

I still have to wash the laundry so that one daughter has clean uniforms and the other daughter has her rest time blankets for school. I have to make out our menus for the week so that I can get the grocery shopping done tomorrow after I have gotten my children up, dressed, fed and taken to school. Oh, and in between that I shall make lunches so that they have nutritious, please no chocolate allowed, meals and snacks to consume.

Tomorrow is my errand day. That means I have to return library movies and books, shop for our groceries, shop for upcoming events (and those that have passed), mail any packages that must be mailed (sorry dear brother, that birthday gift will eventually make it to IN), and at some point get my sorry, fat ass to the gym so that I get in my 90 minutes of exercise that the federal government tells me I need daily for good health. Then I shall pick up my children from school and start the nightly process which includes homework, extra-curricular activities, dinner, bathing, and American Idol. Then, and only then, will I be able to tumble into bed.

Psst: I'm still in the mode of having my husband home for three days. How am I doing?

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