Monday, May 09, 2005

Everything is Rosie

I first saw Rosie O'Donnell in a movie. I'm not sure which one, but she was funny. The one movie that I do remember is A League of Its Own because some of it was filmed in the Indiana city that I grew up in. My mother's best friend was actually one of the softball players that the movie was written about, and she is in the Baseball Hall of Fame. So we went to the cinema and saw it several times. I thought Rosie was funny. I liked her.

I didn't really get to know her (as much as anyone can get to know a celeb) until she did her show. When she talked, I heard my voice. When she gushed over her guests, I felt like she knew it was how I would act. Except for the fact that she grew up with no mother, was a fabulous student, had a great sense of comedic timing, and actually did something with her life, I felt just like her. Most of the time, I saw myself in her. I was sorry when the show ended.

I read an article on her blog about a month and a half ago, checking in. It was like rediscovering an old lost friend. I'm glad she is back.

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