Thursday, February 08, 2007

General Hospital Rant

I began watching General Hospital in high school when my friends Kelly, Robin, and Kelly's sister, Kathy, introduced the soap opera to me. At that time, Laura had just killed her mother's lover, David. I was hooked.

My dream was to one day write for the soap opera. That never happened, but they certainly could use me now. First, they ax Stuart Damon and now this hostage/fire/explosive situation they have going on. I must rant...


  • What was with the whole of Luke getting arrested episode? I mean, if he was eventually going to get out and play vigilante, why not just let him do that in the first place? And seriously, I know that Luke would have gone in search of Jason to be his back up instead of his pill-popping I' m-a-play-by-the-books lawman son. He has to know that Jason has Sonny's back…..HELLO!

  • What have they done with poor Mac? He is pushed aside by the District Attorney, and he says, "Oh, okay?"

  • And what is with the DA coming in and running a hostage situation in the city? I'm sorry, but what training has he taken as a lawyer to just go in there and push aside the police commissioner and start running the PC police department, not to mention the SWAT team? Where is Mac's second in command? Where is the SWAT commander?

  • Robin has absolutely NO pain while they are cutting into her with a paring knife, sticking fingers inside her wound to find the bullet, sewing her up, and wrapping the wound with duct tape? And then when the pain does hit, she can carry on a conversation and THEN stop the pain with vodka? I don't think so…

  • You can't tell me that those masks are not itchy and bothersome. I understand why they can't remove them, but how about the guy in the vault with Maxi? If he could only see how ridiculous he looks sitting there talking to her with that mask on…

  • Why doesn't Mr. Craig shoot Robin in the head and end the whole "she needs to go to a hospital" whining? And then finish off poor Allan. Does he really want to watch a man have a heart attack? If those two were dead, the others could focus on poor Elizabeth and her baby.

  • "Well, I am the DA in Port Charles, and right now I have a serious hostage situation on my hands because I am the DA and I have taken over this hostage situation because I don't think the Police Commissioner can keep his head together since his niece has been shot, but right now I have to run off to the hospital because my soon to be ex-wife has been admitted and I can get in some licks while she is down?" I don't think so…

  • Oh, and now the Mayor of Port Charles is thinking he will come in and take over the hostage situation….. He obviously took the hostage negotiating class with the DA.

  • How about all those citizens of Port Charles crossing the yellow line to talk to the police? And what do they do when one of those citizens irritates them? They handcuff him to a pipe? Now that is some police work, huh?


  • How cool was it when they spray painted the windows?

  • Carly is the best female soap character on TV. She may be scared, but she isn't going down without a fight. How funny was she telling Robin that she had better not die and leave her for everyone to blame? 

  • Yeah, for Sam! I loved it when she held that knife to Mr. Craig's throat. It wasn't the best thought out plan, but her getting mad enough to pull it out when he baited her was believable. Too bad it didn't work. 

  • Alan going into cardiac arrest amidst all of the shooting was believable.

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