Sunday, May 18, 2008

Working my way through the healthcare system

I had to find a new doctor this past year because my doctor just up and retired. At the ripe old age of 50 something, or maybe she was younger. I've been with her since I moved to Florida 18 years ago and she was one in a million, and I knew it would be hard to replace her. I did what all the websites suggested. I researched on the net, studied my insurance doctor information, and asked for referrals until I found someone I thought would work out. Unfortunately, she wasn't taking new patients and passed me off to her new cohort. I made my yearly appointment.

The office was in nice shape and the office staff very courteous. Because it was football season (this happened last fall) I was wearing my Steeler crocs, and removed them when it came time to weigh my body. I mean, we know how much those crocs weigh! As I was removing my shoes, emptying out my pockets and jokingly pretending to remove my shirt, the nurse commented on my crocs.

She was a Cowboys fan and we went into the exam room and talked more football. Eventually, she began asking me medical questions and such. At one point she excused herself, left the room, and conferred outside the door with someone. I didn't pay much attention, having suddenly remembered a question I had wanted to ask. When she entered again, I began asking my question but she hadn't shut the door and another woman was also entering right behind her.

I looked at her and said, "Oh, sorry" thinking she'd been the one outside conversing with the nurse. She was young and when she said, "No, go ahead", I thought, " Now listen, chickie, this is private and none of your beeswax so why don't you do whatever it is that you need to do that can't wait so that I can get on with this appointment." At some point as I had that thought in my head, I registered that the woman was wearing a long, white doctor's coat and that she must not be a new nurse.

I think I said aloud, "Oh, wait, are you the doctor?"

Sure enough, she was my new doctor. She gave me a nice handshake and introduced herself and I refrained from screaming, "HOW OLD ARE YOU?"

Because that was my next thought. Holy Just Out of College Batman. I may or may not have inquired as to her youth and discovered she was 33 or something along those lines which is like 12 in medical years. We chatted. She too is a Steelers fan so I forgave her for her young-ness. Until she asked about
about menopause and I got a tad indignant.

Me: "Now listen, I filled out the form where it asked about my age at meopause. I put N/A. Why would you ask me if I've experienced it? I am not that old!"

I huffed and sighed and slumped down in the chair.

Me: "I feel like that episode of Desperate Housewives where the doctor tells Susan she is in menopause." I looked at her. "You do watch Desperate Housewives, right?"

Her: (shaking her head): "No, but my mother does!"

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