Saturday, June 14, 2008

Daytona in a nutshell

Originally uploaded by tcboos

Today we left Daytona and headed back to the gulf side of Florida. The visit was a relaxing one that has started some bad habits like staying up until midnight and sleeping until mid-day, but we got sun and seafood. How could you ask for anything more?

My girls loved surfing in the ocean, a huge difference from the Gulf of Mexico. They spent all of their time in the water with boogie boards riding the waves. Gabby was hesitant in the beginning but got into it with some careful instruction from my girls. Austin announced that he disliked the beach and spent all of his time in the unit unless we could talk him into the pool. This frustrated Grandma to no end, but Susan decided it wasn't a battle worth fighting. We ignored him and went about our vacation.

Grandma insisted on getting in the water and she became the center of attention on Daytona Beach. Because of her dropped foot, she uses a cane and she hobbled down the beach on the uneven sand while her audience gasped and whispered about the old lady who might fall. They hadn't a clue how tough the old lady really is and when she's determined to do something...well, it doesn't matter what her family thinks or says. We let her be and joined in the gasping and whispering, cringing when the surf knocked her over and into the water where she stayed for quite some time before beginning the return journey.

The Wyndham resort in Daytona provided us with plenty of entertainment. On a boardwalk, we had restaurants and shops galore. Which, since we were with the Mason family, we explored aplenty. Susan purchased a turtle and all of the important essentials that go with such an animal. I'm quite sure that TSA will not allow her to take this thing home and thus I did not purchase one for my girls knowing full well that damn thing is about to be our pet. Darcy wasn't very happy with me since she wants what Gabby wants, but she'll change her tune when she has to change the water. Believe me, I grew up with a turtle.

We enjoyed the beach and the pool. We loved our unit and its view. We got plenty of sun and family togetherness. The girls sang karaoke in the evenings and we took part in Wyndham's family activities taking home the trophy for the winners of Family Feud.

The plan is to spend more of such activities until we leave Connie and Florida behind and fly to South Bend, IN. From there we are heading to New Buffalo, Michigan where we have rented a house near the lake for a week. Vacation blogging will resume when we have reached that destination.

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