Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Life in the woods

Originally uploaded by tcboos

This little gal was outside our home yesterday morning and very unafraid of humans. She roamed from the back of the house to the side of the house and disappeared for a few hours. She returned later in the day after Rusty and Austin arrived and ventured out of the woods into our driveway. Only when Rusty set off his car alarm did she disappear for good.

It is very peaceful and quiet here in our wilderness. The girls are having fun. They like the house and the den and the porch and the pool. Although none of us like the mosquitoes.

I walk daily about the property pretending I'm photographing nature but I also look for signs of trespassing or eyes staring out from the forest. So far, so good on that latter front.


We aren't getting much sleep due to our nervousness of living in the woods. We stay up until the early morning light is coming up and sleep until noon. We find we sleep better when the woods are lit with natural light. Crazy, true, but such is our life in the woods.

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