Thursday, October 09, 2008

Getting my sports in order

My girls have outgrown their Steelers shirts. Darcy had mentioned that her shirt was too small one day while at our local Steelers fan shop, but I thought she wanted me to purchase more for her besides her Troy Polamalu dangling earrings. She was right; however, as her shirt is almost a cheerleading, belly-showing shirt.

Madison wore her Steelers shirt last night to soccer practice. It too is small on her. Of course, she could pass it down to Darcy (as we do in this house), but she is sentimental about things like her Steelers shirt and Darcy will want one she picks out herself.

So this morning as I was driving them to school I was wondering if the Steelers fan shop would be open this early in the morning. I was thinking that it would be fun to go there, buy the girls shirts to surprise them, and maybe pick up a little "something, something" for myself. But, alas, I knew the store was not open, and I was expected at home to wait for my construction man to appear.

I went home, did some chores, and then came into my office to clean up my desk. This, of course, leads to checking my email. There was a message from the girls' school telling me that in honor of our Tampa Rays (located in St. Petersburg for those not in the know) baseball success tomorrow will be Rays Day, and all children are allowed to forgo their uniform for Rays outfits, hats, etc.

Now I have to go out and buy Rays shirts for the girls. Which is fine as we are Rays fans, and we do attend some games during the year, but I was really wanting to purchase Steelers shirts. I can't do both.

My brain went into overload; Why was the school just now mailing out this notice? What if the Steelers fan shop had opened today at 8:30 am and I had bought those shirts? Why didn't my mother just leave that medium Rays shirt that my husband bought her (another story in itself)? Where the hell is my construction guy?

That's when I remembered that the Steelers have a bye week. I don't need Steelers shirts that fit us this week because they aren't even playing.

But the Rays are, and tomorrow is Rays Day.

Crisis averted. Go Rays!

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