Saturday, October 04, 2008

October is Breast Awareness Month

Today I received an email that was all pink and it told me that I "was considered one of the 50 prettiest ladies with a kind, warm and loving heart". I do not know who the other 49 women are. It went on to tell me that I've been "hit", and now I have to "hit 10 pretty ladies with kind, warm and loving hearts." Then in italics, it said, "If you fail to forward this, you'll have ugliness for 10 years". Then it had the gall to babble on about pretty ladies inside and out, and it said I really should send this out to others to "brighten their day".

I don't know about the other 49 women out there on the list, but this email did nothing to "brighten my day". In fact, it pissed me off. And then I got more annoyed as I kept reading the email because it went on to say that this is a reminder that this month is Breast Awareness Month and everyone should be checked because "no one wants to lose them because they are pretty ladies with kind, warm, loving hearts."

Are you kidding me? This is how you inform people? I can't blame the person who forwarded it on to me. She, of course, doesn't want ten years of ugliness, and she was probably hoping to do others a favor in informing them. I blame the author. She couldn't have sent out a pink email with something better than a threat?

It stops here. I am not sending this on to other people. I will face the next ten years of ugliness. And what does that mean? Ugly as in beauty? A bigger nose? More blotches on my face? Bigger, more sunken grooves under my eyes? Ugly as in my surroundings? More stains on my carpet? A Florida hurricane? Ugly as in others? More drivers flipping me the bird? And when will my 10 years of ugliness start? Today? Tomorrow? How will I know? Will there be some notification?

Ladies, let this be your reminder. October is Breast Awareness Month. Please remember to get your yearly mammogram done. Don't put it off. Yearly mammograms could mean early detection, and early detection can save your life.

As for me....I've had my yearly mammogram. Now I'm stuck wearing a bag over my head for the next ten years. I did it for you. Get the word out. The right way.

1 comment:

  1. I totally agree...I like your reminder a lot better than the "other" one! I,too, have already had my mamo this year but thanks for the reminder!! Us "boobs" must stick together!!! LOL :-)
