Monday, January 12, 2009

Hello 2009

Every year since 1990 my family has made resolutions for the new year written on parchment and kept in a secret vault to be taken out and read at the end of each year. It is an interesting piece of family history. We can see when family members entered (husbands, children) and exited (death) and it's a little slice of where everyone was in the emotional department that year.

For awhile, my resolutions followed the same theme: weight, exercise, and getting birthday cards out on time. About six years ago we decided to add in whether or not we kept the previous year's resolutions. For the most part, I did not. So, this year I decided to make it my goal to actual keep my resolutions and to check in bi-monthly.

My resolutions for 2009 -
  1. To work on being patient and to not react hysterically like my forefathers. New motto: "Let it go".
  2. To get back on my exercise track, lose 15 pounds, and live comfortably with my body however it may turn out.
  3. To get to the beach at least twice a month
  4. To get birthday cards and gifts out on time!
Okay, so the last one was added on as an afterthought because I put a birthday card into the mail today 4 days prior to the big day. I've also already purchased, sealed, and stamped three cards for January. I'm practically killing this one already!

Which is lucky since we are now in the midst of a cold front that makes beaching it an impossible task to accomplish. I have started the exercise track. Last week, I hit the gym 4 out of my possible 5 days, but today I'm slacking and blogging instead.

May 2009 be the year that I reach and keep all of my resolutions!

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