Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Tony Dungy leaving makes me sad

I'm was sorry to hear yesterday's news that Indianapolis Colt's Head Coach Tony Dungy was retiring from the game. In this day and age of NFL football players shooting themselves and others, outrunning police, driving intoxicated, and beating women, we need more Tony Dungys.

He is what the NFL should be. He was a gentle giant on the sidelines where screaming and yelling is the norm. He's a mentor to players and young assistants not only on the field but off it as well. He preaches, but he lives what he preaches.

I do like that he did it his way. I like that he can walk away from something he loves because he has other dreams and goals to accomplish. I like that football isn't the only thing in his life (are you listening, Brett Favre?). I like that he is coming back to our neck of the woods. We love him here in the Tampa Bay area. He has done so much good for so many here. I do hate that he is gone from the NFL

Good luck, Mr. Dungy. I wish you well, although I can't help thinking that the NFL just won't be the same.

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