Friday, February 20, 2009

Hanging out with 4th graders

Me: "What is it you are trying to do?"

9-year-old boy: (struggling to get his arm into his jacket) "I'm trying to get my jacket on."

Me: "Let me help."

9-year-old boy: "The problem, see, is that I'm here without my mother. I can't do anything without my mother's help."

9-year-old girl: "What will you do when you go away to college?"

9-year-old boy: "I'm not going to college." (shrugs) I'm going to hang out on the beach, veg out, drink rum."

Me: "Rum?"

9-year-old boy: "Yeah, rum. You know, Grey Goose."

Me: "Grey Goose is vodka."

9-year-old boy: "Whatever. It's good stuff."


  1. See, this is what a true Floridian kid should be kind of kid!

  2. That is classic! I am laughing my ass off.
