Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Knock on wood that this is over!

Surgery #2 - Left Eye

For some reason, this surgery was completely different from beginning to end. First, I was a nervous nellie. I'm not sure why, but I was anxious, weepy, and worried. Secondly, they took me in right away, stretched me out on the bed, and did everything at once from eye drops to blood pressure, to taping down my head to jabbing me in the hand with the drugs. It was rush, rush, rush. I felt even more anxious and then they wheeled me off to the surgery room.

I didn't have nearly as many eye drops this time, which I kept mentioning to whoever would listen. The response, "No, we don't have to do as many the second time around." Huh? What? Why not? I was sure I was going to feel this surgery as they sliced through my cornea because of the lack of numbing drops, but alas, all went well.

The surgery was a "slam, bam, thank you ma'am" quick one, and the whole process from beginning to slipping me into the car took an hour. Last time....3 hours. This eye didn't have the pain that the first one did. The big difference was that everything and everyone looked red. That disappeared this morning. The vision isn't as clear distance wise as the right eye, but I believe that they tweak the Crystallens in the other eye to help me see better up close. I'll find out more at the follow-up visit today.

Thanks to everyone who sent me emails, and cards, and to those who phoned me. I appreciate all the thoughts and prayers sent my way. Right now I'm typing this without glasses and my future looks clear!

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