Thursday, February 12, 2009

Seeing things in a new light

So I have cataracts. They need to come out so that I can see again, especially in my right eye. I signed up for surgery, researched my options, decided on just cataract removal, went to my pre-op tests and discovered that I have astigmatism.

But not only do I have that, but I have weird and "unusual" astigmatisms. Apparently, I have cornea astigmatism and lenticular astigmatism, but the cornea is horizontal and the lens is vertical so for most of my life the two have canceled each other out which resulted in zero astigmatism problems and no one noticing.

Now the lens will be removed and I will have problems. Going with just the cataract removal will cause me to wear tri-focal glasses. What? Bad enough to tell people I have to have cataract surgery, now I'm going to be looking at them through trifocals?

I opted, after a discussion with my doctor, to go with option #3, the Crystalens. T

Doctor: "It's like washing your car. Are you going to put in the time of carefully washing your Ford that you'd put in with your Jaguar? The Crystalens is the Jaguar.

The "European car" of the lens. It will cost quite a penny, but when all is over I shall see without the aid of contacts or glasses. A little bit of lasik will be provided to flatten my astigmatism as well. The surgery is happening on the 17th. I'm nervous, but content with my decision. The surgeon is young and quite confident without being pompous. I'm hoping for the best. Stay tuned.

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