Monday, April 13, 2009

Honestly, I can't take it

A conversation I had today in the public bathroom at the beach park:

I enter the bathroom to find a woman standing waiting for an open toilet. I look at her and then look at the three stalls, two closed, one open. The woman notices me staring at the open stall.

Women: "It is full of paper."

Me: "Term papers? Financial papers? Papers that will lead us to buried treasure?"

Women: "Toilet paper. It is full of toilet paper."

Me: "Full as in millions of rolls of toilet paper just hogging the stall?"

Women: "No, as in the toilet is full of paper."

Me: "And this is a problem because.....?"

Women: "Because the toilet is full of paper and therefore not clean, and women's bathroom etiquette says that I shall not go into that room. That I shall let the janitor take care of this."

Me: "Have you tried flushing it?"

Women: (mouth open aghast at my crassness) "Well, of course not!"

Me: "Well that is the stupidest thing I have ever heard in my life! Do you think the toilet paper is going to reach up and bite you on the butt if you sit down in a toilet with some paper? Do you think if you flush it the paper will haunt you? Are you seriously this dumb?"

Okay, this conversation only occurred in my head.

It really went down like this: I entered the bathroom and stared at the open stall and then at the woman waiting in line. After she muttered those words, "It is full of paper" I looked at her, entered the room, saw two sheets of paper that didn't quite go down, put my foot on the flusher, flushed the toilet, and closed the door in her face.

Then I proceeded to sit to pee and discovered I was in a PAPERLESS toilet stall...

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