Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Poolside Dessert created by the kids

On Friday nights we go out to dinner with Kelly and my friend Jyoti and her daughter, Sarina. We usually try to go to this pizza place down on the beach, but lately, it has gotten a tad pricey when you add drinks to the pizza and salad order. This Friday Kelly and I ordered the pizza and picked it up, bringing it back to my house to enjoy.

The weather was beautiful and so we all sat poolside. Kelly supplied alcohol beverages for the adults and sodas for the children. We consumed our large tossed salad with pizza cheese and our delicious greasy, gooey cheese pizza while we all gossiped about people that weren't there. At some point after the meal, Kelly and I began musing about something sweet. The girls jumped up and offered to see what was available.

Several minutes later Darcy and Sarina returned with a menu and a tray of samples. We were to peruse the menu, and if we were interested, we could taste any of the samples on the tray. Of course, we dug right in, although somewhat hesitantly. I had a Rainbow Delight which consisted of a spoonful of vanilla frosting with sprinkles. The samples were nicely displayed and were quite tasty.

There was the Cherry Whip which was a spoonful of whipped cream, sprinkles, and a cherry. The Chocolate Delight was crushed cookies and chocolate morsels, and the Gilt (which we took to mean guilt) Free Ice Cream was really whipped cream with sprinkles. I'm not sure what the Honey Sprinkle Surprise consisted of, but Jyoti had that and gave it rave reviews.

Of course, the husband came home about this time and ranted about the mess in the kitchen (where Madison was still preparing the delectables), but the girls sent him out to finish off the pizza poolside with us. He did do this and the girls actually did clean up the mess...I think. By that time I was full of grease, cheese, liquor, and sugar. All I wanted was the bathroom and bed!

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