Wednesday, May 06, 2009

At least he heard me instead of the ocean

Me (on the phone): "Hello?"

Tom (on the other end): "Hello?"

Me: "Where are you?"

Tom: "At my desk working, why?"

Me: "Well, I tried your desk phone and you didn't answer."

Tom: "One missed call...."

Me: "And I called your IPhone and you didn't answer."

Tom: "Oh, man, I bet I have that on silence from when we went to the speech thing."

Me: "Well, jeez, I called it like three times today."

Tom: "Well, what did you want? I talked to you once today."

Me: "You didn't talk to me today."

Tom: "Yes, I did. You called to tell me about Darcy having strep throat."

Me: "I called and left a message on your phone about Darcy because you didn't answer your phone."

Tom (laughing): "Oh, well, I talked to you anyway."

Me: "I left a message on your phone, and you listened to it, and now you think you've talked to me?"

Tom: "Yep! I guess I did."

1 comment:

  1. I can't believe the girls have not noticed toby gone!!!!!!!!!!!!! My poor little toby:(
