Thursday, May 14, 2009

Epcot's International Flower and Garden Festival

Epcot had the International Flower and Garden Festival going on this month. Everything was coming up It is truly amazing the work they do in putting this together. I kept picturing Edward Scissorshand on anything bush-like.

The above pictures is at the entrance to Epcot. Behind the girls are several Disney princesses including Cinderella and her prince, as well as her coach, Snow White and the dwarfs, and Beauty and the Beast. Edward was definitely in find scissor happy shape.

The next pictures are from the walkway to the Future World. It was from The Lion King and had these two as well as Simba's parents, Scar and his bird side-kick.

Of course, there was an area devoted to the head honcho, Mickey Mouse. As there should be.

1 comment:

  1. I totally feel as if I just experienced the Disney experience!!! Thanks for the vacation!! I loved all the photos:) hope your ready for some mojito's by the time i get there...AND there will be NO rain while I am there...please pass this info on to your weather team!!
