Thursday, May 21, 2009

I should have kept my fingers shut

While eating a small wad of blue cotton candy at Disney World a couple of weeks ago, I broke my crown. It really wasn't because of the cotton candy. It was because I angered the dentist gods by publishing my blog archives on my one and only crown experience. This I did because my dear sister-in-law needed a crown and requested some information. Now I am paying for what I did.

Yesterday I went to the dentist to have him take a look at the broken crown. Now, let me just start off here by saying that I have a different dentist then the one that put on my crown. I ditched that lady dentist awhile back. The dentist I have now is male. He works in a state of the art office and still takes classes on dentistry to stay updated. I think he may teach the classes.

A couple of years ago this dentist recommended I have a root canal because I was having sensitivity under the crown. It was so sensitive that when he put a piece of ice on the crown they had to peel me off the ceiling. He sent me to a wonderful woman who did the root canal while I lay back in the chair, ear buds in my ears, watching a movie she let me pick. She told me the tooth was full of rot and decay and it was good thing I had come in. All has been well since then. Except that unbeknown to me, my crown has had a hairline fracture that my dentist has been keeping an eye on.

Now I show up with a chunk taken out of my crown. He gives me the news. The hairline fracture. The large chunk that is in a place where it will be hard to fix. Blah, blah, blah. I looked at him and said, "This crown has been nothing but trouble for me. Take the damn thing out. Do it right this time."

Three hours later I left the office with my temporary crown. The experience was so different from my first crown experience that I wanted to float through the door singing. I wanted to stand outside the door on the highway dressed as a tooth holding a sign that advertised his dentistry. I wanted to kiss him.

Instead I forked over $600, made my appointment to receive the real crown, and bought a Steak n' Shake milkshake on the way home. Being a princess is damn expensive and time consuming, but this time I feel like a queen.

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