Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Summer Schooling 101

This Monday began our summer homeschool adventure. Monday, Wednesday and Friday I am working with the girls on different subjects that I think they need some help in. I am also working with them on etiquette and household chores. So far, after two days and the addition of two extra students, it has gone well.

Darcy has definitely embraced her laundry chore. This week she has the Monday/Friday shift of laundry. She is to gather up the hampers, separate the clothes, put them in the washer, run the load, put it in the dryer and then fold them. Each individual must then put the folded laundry away. On Monday she did two loads of laundry. She found $1.00 in the first load and $.50 in the second.

"I can definitely get used to this job!" she said after depositing her earnings in her piggy bank.

Today's lesson started with everyone starting or continuing a website for blogging. The two new additions had to design and develop their first blog site, while my two helped them get started. Then I gave them a topic to write for their first paragraph. We printed those paragraphs and exchanged them for editing. Then together we went over each paragraph until it was presentable for posting. Presentable meaning grammatically correct with correctly spelled words and correct punctuation. They did very well with the topic: A relative. You can check out my girls' blogs, but the other two are read by invitation only.

We ended the day with a trip to the local grocery store. I gave the younger girls the task of feeding us all lunch for under $25. They came in at $22.06 and were only off on their calculations by $.38. We filled up on sub sandwiches, fruit, chips, and plenty of desserts.

I'm thinking this could be a new career, but I have a feeling that it will be much like my current one......fulfilling, but low on the pay scale.

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