Thursday, June 25, 2009

This is definitely the way to go

A couple of weeks ago, I turned to the Internet for help in learning how to fold sheets. It is the most aggravating thing folding a sheet.  I interviewed several people on sheet folding before I turned to the Internet but no one could give me a way that was satisfactory.

Then I found a guy - which was surprising to me, not that I'm sexist, but really, how often do you see a guy folding sheets? - who gave a tutorial on folding a fitted sheet. I had to keep watching the videoing over and over, pausing and going back, as he was a tad too quick for me but by several views, I was an expert. I did so well with my sheet that I emptied out my entire linen closet and folded all my fitted sheets. Learning how to do this properly cut down on wasted space in my closet and now all my sheets fit so nicely inside.

I'm going to take this sheet folding act outside the house and perform demonstrations in several other homes. My sister-in-law has booked me in July to tackle her linen closet. I work cheaply in Indiana (Donut Bank donuts) so call me to get on the books.

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