Wednesday, July 29, 2009

It ain't easy

Since I haven't been working out regularly since April, weight has appeared on my large frame and before I head off for another vacation in less than two weeks I've been trying to diet. This is never easy, but I figured I would start by getting my fat butt back to the gym.

Tom awoke me Monday morning at 7:21 AM to say good-bye for the day so I hopped right up, washed my face, got on my workout clothes, and was out the door by 7:45. I got to the gym with my eyes still squinted from the early morning sun and jumped on to the elliptical for my normal 30-minute routine.

That is when I realized I forgot my IPod. That is what happens when you have been out of touch with the gym. Instead, I sucked it up and read the closed caption on the CNN channel that I could see from my angle on the elliptical. At about 10 minutes I thought for sure it had been at least 20 minutes.

By the time 30 minutes rolled around my knees were aching, but I wasn't huffing and puffing like I was each time I had to go downstairs in Susan's basement to get something from the guest room or when I had to go upstairs in Susan's house to take a shower. No, I was slightly limping as I made my way to the stationary bike, but my breathing was good.

I got on the bike, turned on the fan and started pumping. I opened my book and started reading to pass the time as I had exhausted the closed captioning. I came to a part where the main character breaks into a house with a hidden key. The next four paragraphs went into detail about how easy it was to break into a house, and suddenly I thought about someone breaking into my house while my children were sound asleep and I was at the gym.

I began picturing the creep standing in my house. How scared my poor children would be. I got so consumed with worry I started sweating from the sheer horror I was imagining, and I peddled faster as if I were headed their way.

When the 30 minutes ended I was off the bike, out the door, and into my car faster then I had used either piece of equipment.

The girls were still asleep safe in their beds when I returned, but the whole experience has made me decide the gym will have to wait until the girls go back to school. The worry today caused more stress that will lead to health problems than my being overweight.

I'll eat better food and lay off the sweets. You can find my success to the right of this blog...

1 comment:

  1. As soon as I read you headed to the gym...I thought who was at home with the girls??? I think the same thing and will not leave when they are sleeping!! I am so glad that we think a like, otherwise you would make fun of me:))) Check out my blog, especially the picture of the day:) I thought of you as I was eating!!
