Wednesday, July 08, 2009

Six Month 2009 Check on Resolutions

Let's see how I'm doing....(scale 1-10 with 10 being the ultimate score)
  1. To work on being patient and to not react hysterically like my forefathers. New motto: "Let it go". Again I've won some and lost some. It's been better the latter part of the two months, although I find it harder to deal with this issue when Aunt Flow is getting ready to visit. Score: I'll give myself a 6.
  2. To get back on my exercise track, lose 15 pounds, and live comfortably with my body however it may turn out. Haven't done one damn thing in this department and boy, can I tell. I'm uncomfortable physically and mentally. My sleep isn't as deep. I'm tired more than normal. Score: 0
  3. To get to the beach at least twice a month. Completed this one the end of May and the early part of June, but seriously, I can't count this one during the summer months in Florida because, frankly, it's just too damn hot and no one in their right mind would spend time on the beach unless it is in the evening. Score: 9
  4. To get birthday cards and gifts out on time. Now, this isn't an official resolution, but one I added on to my blog. I've actually done well on this one in the last two months because I have less than 5 in those two months. Score: 10
Total points: 25 out of 40.

I think that was the same score I had last time....hmmm...that might not be a good thing....aren't I suppose to be scoring higher halfway through????

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