Friday, July 24, 2009

The things I do for beauty

My friend, Jyoti, has told me about eyebrow threading ever since I started waxing my brows. This is an ancient method of hair removal which involves using a thin, twisted piece of cotton thread to pluck the hair at the follicle level. It is widely used in Indian culture.

Susan has been threading her brows recently so she took me with her to experience the procedure, much to Jyoti's delight.

The Indian spa center is in the mall and the women were thrilled to have me as their victim. They threaded my brows, my upper lip and my chin.

The process was quite painful and tears rolled out of my eyes as they twisted and twisted my brows. The lip wasn't as painful, and by the time they moved on to my chin, I was immune to the pain.

I liked the look at the end and felt my brows were better sculpted then when I have them waxed. I am now hairless. The women suggested I do this every two weeks to minimize the pain. Yeah, that isn't happening...


  1. That looks just awful. I will stick with my lady who waxes and then tweezed. She did a great job on me yesterday.
    How long did the threading take?

  2. Omy goodness, I can't even imagine!

    I'd be curious to know how long it took as well!

  3. It took about as long as waxing takes for the eyebrows. The lip and chin were quicker. The one thing threading did for me was thin out the brows....waxing can't do that.
