Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Back to reality and changes

Yesterday we picked up the glasses that the girls ordered for their farsightedness. I made the appointment for 4:00 PM and then promptly forgot about it while running errands. We got caught in a horrific lightning storm while at Target and so we just casually kept on shopping while the rain pounding on the ceiling as if a hundred elves were hammering on a new roof.

When we finally ran across the parking lot in between bolts I was exhausted and hungry. I headed for home and then Darcy remembered our appointment. It was 4:20. I didn't have the phone number to the office so I headed there anyway. We got there at 4:30 and the entire area was dry as a bone. They hadn't gotten any rain nor had they gotten any lightning which was my lying excuse for not getting there on time. She thought I was a big fraud. Whatever.

Darcy has been quite diligent on wearing her glasses. After all of the drama with the eye appointment and glasses (see July 27th post titled "Is anything clear? ") she announces that when she reads the words sometimes blur and she has to close her eyes to refocus. Wearing the glasses this doesn't happen.

Madison, on the other hand, claimed the glasses hurt as soon as the lady put them on her face. We thought she meant behind her ears, but she meant reading with them. She has yet to wear her glasses, but I have found that they are apparently the same prescription as the ones I buy over the counter so if I ever need a decent pair.....

Also, today was the day Madison got her braces. We had to roll out of bed quite early for this appointment so we weren't very awake nor happy at all. This picture is the before picture. Notice how happy she seems...

This is the after photo. She was in the chair well over an hour and a half, but she handled it like a Mason warrior. She chose aqua as the color of her bands and they match nicely with her red hair, but they are quite bright when she smiles. She has some discomfort, but she sucked down a McDonald's hamburger, fries and shake quite easily.

Yep, vacation is over and our life is back to normal.


  1. Just had time to catch with your all the photos! Looks like you all enjoyed yourselves:) Love the glasses and the braces...they look great! Can't wait to show gabby when she wakes up! great posts....looking forward to more!!!

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  3. Hey,

    I really enjoyed reading your blog. I totally understand the glasses problems, because I am farsighted as well. It took me a while to get used to them.

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