Saturday, August 01, 2009

I now wear the dunce hat

A few years ago at a Christmas party, one of Tom's co-worker's backed his brand new car into one of those large, brick mailbox structures people build around their mailboxes for protection.

It didn't dent the mailbox, but it certainly did damage to his car. We all razzed him, but I razzed him mercilessly because he is one of those guys who likes to do the same when the opportunity arises. Each time I ran into him I made sure I made reference to his stupidity.

You can guess where I'm going with this, can't you?

My phone rang.

Me: "Hello?"

Him: "Yes, Cara? This is Steve."

Me: (puzzled) "Oh, hey there, Steve, how are you?" Realization hit. "Oh, god, you're calling me to give me grief, aren't you?"

Him: "You're DAMN right I am! What? Cara hit a mailbox? No? The mailman? No? She hit one of those HUGE mail trucks?"

Okay, I deserved that.

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