Thursday, September 03, 2009

8 month resolution check 2009

Let's see how I'm doing....(scale 1-10 with 10 being the ultimate score)
  1. To work on being patient and to not react hysterically like my forefathers. New motto: "Let it go". I was certainly challenged in this area in the last few weeks, but with the help of my husband, I got back on track. Unfortunately, I had some bad moments. Score: I'm going to have to say this one was a 4.
  2. To get back on my exercise track, lose 15 pounds, and live comfortably with my body however it may turn out. I got right on the old exercise wagon as soon as the kids went back to school. No weight loss, but I'm back in the gym. Because of my poor July, I'll have to work that into the score. Score: 4
  3. To get to the beach at least twice a month. I got to the beach in the last part of July and made the goal in August. Was off by one day, I believe. Score: 9
  4. To get birthday cards and gifts out on time. Now, this isn't an official resolution, but one I added on to my blog, and one I've done well on now once again. I wonder why I couldn't do this well when it was an official resolution? Score: 10
Total points: 27 out of possible 40.

I thought this score would be lower than the last one, but I went up. No zeros this time. Gonna have to really work hard now that I only have four months left in the year. Jeez, can you believe that? Only four more months till 2010!

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