Sunday, October 04, 2009

Famous Amos?

Now that my sister-in-law has started us blogging What's in there Wednesday my friend Kelly has decided we should give each other questions that we must answer in our blogs. She has thrown out the challenge with the question: "If you could live the life of a famous person for one week, who would you choose and, more importantly, why???????"

My first thought was that I would choose to live her life for a week because then I could learn firsthand her job life which she recites to us in hysterical detail, but then I knew she wouldn't allow that as an answer because she doesn't consider herself "famous".

But this really isn't a question that can be answered so quickly. I would have to spend days really thinking this through because right off the top of my head I would want to be:
  • Troy Polamalu - after he is healthy enough to play football. He leads a good life outside the field as far as I know and being amongst all those sweaty guys and being able to wear the Steelers uniform...priceless. But then there is having to take care of all that hair...
  • Jeff Probst from Survivor - This man has it made. He is good looking, athletic, funny, and he gets to travel to all of these exotic places and doesn't have to sleep in horrid conditions. And he has great hair.
  • Abraham Lincoln - I've always found his life interesting starting from boyhood to adulthood, but there is that shooting in the head thing...
  • Angelina Jolie - and I don't even think Brad Pitt is cute, but she...she is hot. But I want to be her after she got the tattoos because that would hurt. And then there are all those children, but surely she has a nanny...
  • Jillie Mack - married to Tom Selleck...Nuff said.
And, after thinking about it, I think my final decision would have to be Robert Guza Jr. who is currently the head writer for General Hospital because seriously this man needs to get his head out of his spy novels and get back to the hospital.

Or maybe I should aim for the executive producer, Jill Farren Phelps because then I could fire old Bob. But are these people even considered famous?

Sigh. Let me think some more...


  1. Well answered, my friend!

  2. Hey I have left you a little award over at my blog!!! :)
