Friday, October 09, 2009

I'm over this heat

In most parts of the country, fall has arrived. In my part, unfortunately, summer has not left. Our weather is so hot that we set a record yesterday in parts of Florida. Today's high at 93 degrees is bringing a heat index of 105 degrees. IN October. According to the experts, there is no end in sight. We have some kind of high-pressure dome that is locking everything in place and until something comes along to push it out we are living in summer weather.

Back in September, I was whining about the heat while vacationing in Disney and a friend of mine told me that the weather would be cool on October 1st. I pooh-poohed that because last year I was teaching swimming lessons into the beginning of November. Now, thinking back on that I realize the weather was still in the '80s and not the 90's.

On September 30th our weather changed. I woke up and went outside to my garage to get some bottled water and I was cold. Cold! Immediately I opened up the garage door and danced down the driveway in the dark singing, my arms in the air, twirling around in circles. It was wonderful. We had a high of 82 and a low in the '60s that night. I told everyone my friend was a meteorologist genius. But then October 2nd came and with it came the 90-degree weather and it hasn't left us yet.

The problem with living in Florida is at this time of the year while the rest of the country is getting out their fall decorations and readying their house for Halloween, Thanksgiving, and then Christmas we are standing in our dried, dead yard sweat running down our brows thinking "Fall? We wish we had it!"

We just can't get motivated to enjoy fall when we are still stuck in summer. My kids aren't even into planning their costumes for Halloween because the thought of putting on something hot or long is enough to start them sweating. Not even the lure of chocolate and suckers can get them motivated. They would rather go swimming.

While I appreciate the fact that others in areas that are chilly right now might not feel our agony it is the same. When it is snowing in parts of the U.S. and homebound people are moaning we do understand. Because this is our time to moan. This is our snow. We are sweltering and we need some relief.

1 comment:

  1. hmmm...hard to feel sorry for you dear...we are expecting lake effect snow showers on Monday/Tuesday... all I know is it better be freakin' hot when I'm there in December!!!
