Wednesday, October 28, 2009

What's in there Wednesday and Wishful Wednesday

Today is "What's in your junk drawer".

I have several "junk" drawers and baskets. My main drawer is in the kitchen. Originally it contained all of my kitchen utensils, but the other drawer was too small to hold all of my junk so I had to switch the two.
There is quite a bit in this drawer. I have tried to organize it with baskets and containers. The items not restricted inside of those are collections of glasses from sunglasses to reading glasses. There is an envelope full of restaurant menus for ordering takeout and some Sudafed and eye medications.

In the drawer is a basket full of office things like tape, staplers, and pens. I have another basket with post-it notes and stamps.

Another basket has electronic stuff. We have our camera case in this drawer, some batteries, and a bunch of electronic items I haven't a clue how to use.

My second junk drawer is in my bedroom. It is the middle drawer of my dresser and holds my brush, deodorant, hairdryer, and things I don't know where else to store them. I have a basket in this drawer too to hold some hair bands, barrettes, bags of old make-up, deodorant, and some things from when the girls were in dance recitals.

This basket sits on my dresser and holds odds and ends such as my flask, a very useful object that will most likely be pulled out in time for trick or treating on Halloween!

This is Darcy's junk drawer, which never looks this clean. This was one of the drawers that I cleaned in last week's frenzy of getting ready for the baby dog. This is the middle drawer of her nightstand. Everything goes into it, and I mean everything. Pick something off the floor and don't know what it is? Throw it in this drawer. Right now she has some pens, her wallet, a notebook, a brush, some tattoo gems, a clown nose, some keys, and her goggles.

This is Madison's junk drawer. It is in the top drawer of her nightstand and for the most part, it is rarely used. I'm not sure what happens to her junk, but my guess is it ends up in Darcy's drawer. This drawer had a bookmark, a notebook, a puzzle, some stickers, and a deck of cards.

Now, I'm introducing another Wednesday Blogging Community idea. This can be found here.


Today's fill in the blank is: 
 "I wish I was six years old and going trick or treating. My costume would be...

When we went trick or treating we had those costumes from a store with the plastic masks with two eye holes and a small slit for a mouth, big enough to stick your tongue out.  Unfortunately, it was always either cold or raining on Halloween and our parents insisted we wear coats or rain gear over our costumes. We left the house like that and once out of their sight, we took them off so people could see our costumes. I can't even remember who I dressed as in those costumes, but I can remember how the world looked through the mask. I loved those costumes.

Later as we got older, my mother refused to buy the store costumes. She made us think of things on our own and put together a costume with items we already had or could borrow. She wasn't a seamstress so she couldn't make elaborate costumes so we were on our own. I can remember being a bum, a Purple Aces basketball fan, and a princess? I'm not sure what I was in the picture above when I was ten. I do, however, like the pipe my brother is smoking.

If I were six years old I would want my costume to be homemade.

Something elaborate with lots of sparkles and shimmery fabric. I would want wings and a crown and some inappropriate shoes to clomp around in up and down the street. No mask on my face, just a smile, and make-up. Or maybe I'd be a mermaid in an elaborate costume complete with a tail. I wouldn't be able to walk so I'd have a wagon decorated as the ocean and someone to pull me. 

My children have had homemade costumes made by their Grandmother Mary Anne. Now my youngest is into the store-bought variety and my older one isn't keen at all on the whole holiday. 

Perhaps this year I'll make a costume for the dog....

1 comment:

  1. I read another blog where the girls mother made all of her costumes but didn't have photos of them. So glad you have them because it's sooooo great to look back on!
