Monday, November 16, 2009

Ten month 2009 resolution check

Let's see how I'm doing....(scale 1-10 with 10 being the ultimate score)
  1. To work on being patient and to not react hysterically like my forefathers. New motto: "Let it go". As usual, this one is a tough one, but I have to say I think I've done better than expected. The dog added some challenge in the last month, but I'm going to give myself an 8 in this area. Score: 8
  2. To get back on my exercise track, lose 15 pounds, and live comfortably with my body however it may turn out. Unfortunately, this area lacked. With swim lessons, laziness, illnesses, and the dog, I got to the gym only 3 times in the last two months. But I still managed to lower my cholesterol even more than last year, and I do walk (sort of) with the dog so I'm going to at least give me a 1 just because of those. Score: 1
  3. To get to the beach at least twice a month. I only got to the beach once in September. Jeez. Score: 1
  4. To get birthday cards and gifts out on time. Now, this isn't an official resolution, but one I added on to my blog, and one I've seriously got to just chuck out. I don't know why this is so difficult for me, but it is. I think I add it on each year because it is so ridiculous that I can't manage this and I'm just determined. I blew October big time. Score: 3
Total points: 13 out of the possible 40.

I'm blaming it all on the dog! Two months to go.

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