Wednesday, November 04, 2009

Wishful Wednesday


Today's topic is: "If you could relive any moment what would it be?"

I wish that I could relive the moment that my Dad left my house in February 1997.

He was visiting me and was ready to drive back home to Indiana, stopping at some friends along the way. We stood in my living room saying our good-byes and when I hugged him I got this feeling, this really, really strong feeling, that I would never see him again.

I didn't. He died on March 22nd.

If I could relive that moment over again I would hug him tighter. I would insist that he stay for a few more days. I would tell him how much he meant to me. How much I loved him. How much he made me laugh. How kind I thought he was. I would hug him, hold on to him, and never let him go.


  1. He was really something special.

  2. I read your blog, Cara, about your Dad.

    He was all those things. I miss him too.

