Monday, November 23, 2009

Weighing in...

  1. ...on Bill Belichick's call on 4th and 2 during the Patriots game with Indianapolis - Despite the fact that I think Belichick believed it was 4th and 1, I don't think his call was stupid at all. He was playing against Peyton Manning with 2:08 still left on the clock...enough said.
  2. ...on the plumeria sticks stuck in our yard - I was wrong on that one. Those things are growing quite nicely.
  3. ...on the NASCAR debate regarding Jimmie Johnson - The man won 4 straight Chase Championships. It doesn't matter how you feel about the points system. The man is the King of NASCAR and belongs on the list of great athletes.
  4. ...on Charlie Weis and Notre Dame - Notre Dame likes winners. Weis hasn't delivered that. Teams love to fire the coach when the team isn't winning. Well, except for the Pittsburgh Steelers, six-time Super Bowl Champs, three coaches, two retired not fired. Wonder when other teams will catch on?
  5. ...on the Steelers slide - Troy Polamalu hurt. Ben with a concussion. Back-up Batch out with a wrist injury. The season isn't over yet.

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