Thursday, December 10, 2009

Flea free

I took the dog to the vet yesterday for his last booster shots and for his first rabies shot. He was supposed to go in with Tom in the morning, but the vet called in sick so the time was changed to early afternoon with another vet. Elliot could've waited until later in the week, but I mentioned he was scratching quite a bit and BAM he was in.

Turns out the little mutt has fleas. Icky, gross, tiny, disease-carrying animals IN MY HOUSE. Well, I'm not sure I'm infested, but I suspect those little critters are lurking and multiplying without us even knowing it.

I was more concerned about bombing my house then I was about the dog and the vet laughed at me. She told me not to do anything at home yet because chances were I didn't have them there. Huh? How could I not have them? I was itching all over even as she said that. My scalp itches, the inside of my ears itch, and right now as I type my stomach itches.

Madison investigated fleas on the Internet. While she scratched. Awful stuff fleas. Here is what she found in the way of checking whether or not we have them in our house according to the experts on the Internet:
  1. Walk around in white socks - Put on white socks, walk all over the carpet, and then examine the bottoms of your socks to see if you see black specks.
  2. Walk around and see if you see jumping fleas - Are you kidding me? These things are the size of a pinhead. I'm supposed to see them jumping around?
I'd pretty much decided on bombing every room in the house until, during my own Internet investigation, I discovered I would need to vacuum the entire house, including under and behind all furniture. I'm exhausted just thinking about doing all of that, so I investigated some more and I've decided to go with the site that said I probably didn't have them in my house.

 Nor does my pooch. Because the vet fed him medication in a piece of beef.

Whew! What a relief.

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