Saturday, January 02, 2010

Christmas 2009 gifts for me

This gift wasn't a Christmas gift, but one I bought myself with my birthday money. These boots are made out of a sweater material with fuzzy happiness inside to keep my feet oh, so warm in our Florida winters. They are based on the Uggs my sister-in-law wears in her harsh, snowy weather. I have pretty much worn these 24/7 for the past two weeks. As our weather is now going to only be in the '50s for the next week or so I have a feeling these puppies are going to come in handy even more!

These books were given to us (and Elliot) by Uncles Dick and Clint for Christmas. Funny thing is it is also the only package that Elliot bothered under the tree (notice the chewed cover, bottom right side of the red book). I have read these books and gotten helpful advice regarding Elliot.

The best chapter was on how a dog plays with another dog. This helped relieve a lot of the stress I have when Elliot plays with his buddy, Coco. Apparently, everything the two of them do with one another is normal. Whew!

I received this from my SIL Susan for my soon-to-be Steelers room. It will join my Troy Polamalu fathead I got from Kelly after the flat roof is put in above our playroom. Then I will begin remodeling the room from the playroom to the Steelers room!

I received two of these babies for Christmas. I saw the infomercial about three weeks before Christmas right after having some trouble with my little electric chopper. Kelly witnessed my trouble and purchased one for me, as did my friend Jyoti.

One for each hand! I used this to chop onions and carrots for the split pea soup that I made with the leftover Honey Baked ham. It worked quite nicely and was easy to clean. Should come in handy for my new healthy eating habit that I plan to begin on Monday.

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