Saturday, February 27, 2010

Out of the mouths of my babes

We were eating dinner the other night with a friend of mine who has a 22-year-old son and two children under the age of 8. She received a phone call from her older son and was wondering why he was calling her. He said he was just calling to talk, but as he talked she kept wondering why he was calling. Later, explaining this to us, we were joking about our younger children and how it would be when they got older and left the house.

SueG: You wait until Madison leaves to go to college. You'll see then.

Me: Madison isn't ever going to leave me. She tells me that all the time.

SueG: Yeah, right, well the other one is certainly going to test you. Darcy? Darcy, when you are 18 you're going to go away to college, aren't you?

Darcy: I don't exactly see the point of discussing this right now since I'm only 10.

SueG: I know you are, but I'm talking about when you get older. You'll want to go away to college, right?

Darcy: I don't even know of any colleges...well, besides Harvard and Yale.

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