Monday, February 08, 2010

2010 Super Bowl Snippets

  • The onside kick to start off the second half was brilliant. The Colts could not, and perhaps chose not, to get a first down with 34 seconds left in the first half thinking instead of the second half first possession. That in itself made the onside kick that much more powerful. Kudos to Sean Payton for going for it.
  • I would have enjoyed watching the end of the game celebration instead of some new show that CBS was touting. I know that keeping an audience is crucial for a new show, but could we finish up the one we just watched? 
  • Because of #2, I missed the whole Peyton Manning walked off the field without shaking hands controversy. I have my own opinion on that (we teach you in youth sports to shake hands), but when I read that Peyton later called Drew Brees to congratulate him, I thought, "what do they talk about on the phone?"
  • The commercials I enjoyed: Snickers with Betty White, Google's search, and of course, truTV's Punxsutawney Polamalu.
  • A thought that crossed my mind: I'm old enough that I now recognize those entrants into the NFL Hall of Fame.
  • After all the hype over Tim Tebow and his mother's commercial, it turned out to be pretty mild. Perhaps he was concerned at the backlash or the hit he was sure to take from fans. I thought the commercial was funny, although confusing if you didn't know the background, which I guess was what the organization was hoping for, so then people would log onto the website for more information.
  • I thought it interesting after all the bets circulating about how many times CBS would show Archie Manning, Eli Manning, and Kim Kardashian that the cameramen went out of their way to NOT show them.
  • I said way back in another blog that undefeated teams needed to lose to win. The Saints did just that. Remember...Peyton Manning and company were taken out of the games the Colts lost. Not the same thing.
  • I wonder if Brett Favre felt just a tad better after the Super Bowl?
  • What will I do without football on Sundays? I hope the league gets things straightened out next year so that we don't have a lockout in 2011. I'm not sure I could handle life if that happened.

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