Tuesday, February 02, 2010

Tiling Job #2

On Wednesday, Don tore up the old kitchen flooring at the same time as our roofers began putting on the new flat roof. The noise was deafening. Don used a jackhammer with an attachment to pull up the parquet that was in the kitchen. The roofers banged around loudly overhead, and Elliot became my new best friend, snuggling on the couch, his head beneath my body.

It took two days for the roof over the dining room. It took Don an extra day to finish the kitchen tiling. I told him to take his time since having the stove, and the refrigerator in the middle of the room meant no cooking. Although, by the time the kitchen job was finished, I was burned out on restaurants.

Now, I don't like the Crest toothpaste wall color in my kitchen. It doesn't match the floor. I think I'll repaint it the same color as the dining room. Keep the two eating areas the same.

Of course, then the countertops won't match. Goodness, but one remodel leads to another. It is an endless task. By the time we finish all of our projects on our list, it will be time to start over...

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