Tuesday, March 02, 2010

If only the man was a doctor

This morning I used the back of an envelope to write down a few things to pick up at Target today. After I wrote down the first four items (drugs meaning get a refill of a prescription), I left the list sitting on the counter. Later, I went to add the Downey to the list and found that my husband had added his own things to the list.

While I could read the orange juice, I wasn't so sure about the next item. I studied it for several minutes and then introduced it to my neighborhood coffee circle. No one had a clue what was written. Some of the guesses included:
  • Washington apples - green?
  • Green wipes?
  • Some type of multi something in a green box?
  • Meek Washington Greens?
We finally gave up and called my husband. He was very busy and not too happy about the phone call as he told me, "Mouth wash."

I made sure to get him plenty so that I never have to go through that again!

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