Monday, March 29, 2010

Spring Break - Day One

Technically this is more like Day four since our official break started last Friday, but since we did nothing extraordinary and spent most of the days leading up to today visiting hospitals I'm labeling this day one.

Tom's sister and family arrived from Chicago on Sunday to assist in the moving of my mother-in-law from one house to another. My job is kid duty. Mark and Ted are staying with us and we are in search of the ultimate spring break.

Weather: Windy, only in the 60's
Activities: Firehouse subs / football and tag at the park /
Dog Care: 2 walks through the neighborhood both times forced by mother / 3 accidents
Disappointment: My computer has crashed and I'm illegally using my husband's (shhhh)

1 comment:

  1. Looks like a lot of fun!! I have left you an award over on my blog... not sure if you do the award thingy but thought you deserved it!! :)
