Friday, April 23, 2010

Little things that have brightened my week

  1. The new turn lane at the light of the street that I cross to get the kids to school.
  2. Seeing all the old faces at my gym whose halls I have not darkened in more than seven months.
  3. Putting containers that use to be in my closet into Madison's closet thus freeing up my walk-in closet so that I could actually walk in it!
  4. A peppermint mocha hot coffee from Starbucks.
  5. Sitting in the chair on my front porch in the evening with a glass of sangria and a breeze so chilly that I can only last outside for an hour.
  6. The return of my neighbor and doggy buddy Garnet.
  7. Cuddling with the dog on the couch for the five seconds he allows it.
  8. Tom's happiness at finding another car.
  9. Hanging with my friends by the heated pool.
  10. A pedicure with a design for no charge.

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