Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Being a grandmother is SO much easier

Madison's middle school started its sex education unit in Science this past week. So far she says it is going well and the boys are behaving and not yucking it up at the embarrassing moment, although I don't think those such moments have occurred yet. Monday's lesson was on aging and the process that your body goes through such as loss of vision and teeth, gaining of wrinkles, and aches and pains. Most of the girls decided they weren't interested in any of that.

Yesterday they started a lesson on single parenting. Each child received an egg that they had to turn into a child. I'm not exactly sure what the point of this is as the egg is hard boiled, there isn't any getting up at dawn to feed it, and the kids aren't even keeping a journal. Only instructions received were to bath the egg daily and put it into day care during school hours.

Baby Violet entered the world on Tuesday, March 11th. She has a nice head of black hair and she is always smiling. The hospital sent her home swaddled in bubble wrap inside a small plastic cup. That has now become her baby carrier/car seat.

Her mother, Madison, finds the whole situation bizarre and says she doesn't want to be a mother. She reluctantly fashioned a diaper for the baby and allowed me to take this photo.

Aunt Darcy, on the other hand, has embraced her role. She built this little crib for Violet and made sure that the needed supplies were purchased. Violet has a bottle, pillows, blankets, pacifiers, and toys.

As for me? Who knew being a grandmother was SO easy!


  1. Just don't leave Violet out in the sun too long. She will stink like no one's business!
    Really? A lesson on single parenting?

  2. So, I am now a Great Aunt!! Please give Miss Violet hugs and kisses for me:) As much as I would love to see her when I arrive in June... she will probably not "last" that long!! :))
