Monday, May 03, 2010

If only...

About two years ago or so, around the time that I got my $500 mouth guard to stop my grinding of my teeth, I discussed with my father-in-law, Roger, the possibility of designing a smaller type of paper towel for use in the bathroom. Every morning I would have to brush my mouth guard just as I did my teeth only I was suppose to dry the mouth guard. I kept a roll of cheap paper towels under my sink for this very purpose, but cheap paper towels only come in large sheets and since the mouth guard is small I felt I was wasting paper towels.

I discussed this with Roger one night at dinner. I told him how I wanted to design a paper towel about the size of a toilet paper roll, but that I wasn't sure where one would put it. I wanted something that would be handy, but small. My friend Sharon keeps a roll of paper towels on her bathroom counter for use after washing hands, and while I loved this more sanitary idea (and it is good for cleaning) I thought a lot of waste was still occurring.

Roger listened to me and then informed me that he thought it had already been done. That stopped me cold. He wasn't entirely sure about it, but he seemed to remember that being tried in the past. He thought about it for quite some time, but couldn't remember the manufacturer.
So I gave up.

Oh, Roger, if only we had run with my idea!

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