Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Wisdom at 3

The girls and I are visiting my friend Sharon in the central part of the state. She has two boys, ages 3 and 1. Ben, who will be 4 in less than two weeks, has kept us all in stitches with the things he says. Here are a few samples:

We arrived on Tuesday. Ben took Darcy's hand and led her around the house.
Ben: "I'm glad you came. Are you staying? Are you staying long? Where are you all going to sleep? Our house isn't big. My room only sleeps three."

Darcy and I left to go and pick up the pizza and stop in at the grocery. The boys were watching television when we left. Ben suddenly noticed Madison.
Ben: "What happened? Why didn't you go home with your Mom? Did she leave you here with us? Did she not want you anymore?"

We all were at the table eating dinner last night. Ben looks at me.
Ben: "Who is your father?"
Me: "His name was Russ."
Ben: "Who is Mommy's father?"
Me: "George. Who is your father?"
Ben: "Daddy."
Me: "Daddy who?"
Ben: "Daddy Carlisle"
Me: "Oh. What does he look like? What color is his hair?"
Ben: "He doesn't have any hair."
Me: "Really? Why?"
Ben: "Because he shaves it all off."
Me: "Why does he do that?"
Ben: "Because it is itchy."
Me: "How come you don't do that?"
Ben: (looking at me as if I were a moron) "Because mine isn't itchy."

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