Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Email Box Humor

From my friend Robin...

Why Men are never depressed:

  1. Their last name never changes.
  2. The garage is theirs.
  3. Wedding plans take care of themselves.
  4. Chocolate is just another snack.
  5. They can do their nails with a pocket knife.
  6. They can never be pregnant.
  7. They can wear a white t-shirt to a water park.
  8. They can wear NO shirt to a water park.
  9. Car mechanics tell them the truth.
  10. The world is their urinal.
  11. Phone conversations are over in 30 seconds flat.
  12. A week of vacation only requires a carry on.
  13. If someone forgets to invite them, he or she is still their friend.
  14. They pay $8,96 for a three pack of underwear.
  15. They can Christmas shop for 25 relatives on December 24th in 25 minutes.

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