Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Putting up my Fathead

Several weeks ago I put up my Troy Polomalu fathead that my friend Kelly gave me for my birthday last year.  He has been rolled up in a mailing container in the corner of my bedroom.  Once the Steelers room began taking shape he was taken out of the box and looked at before we read the directions that said, "Wait 30 days after painting before applying your Fathead to the wall."  Back in the container Troy went to lounge in a corner of the Steelers room.

Finally the 30 days came and went.  I made plans to stick Troy on the wall.  Kelly asked if I knew where I had put the instructions.  That got me thinking and a day later I found said instructions and began reading the explicit directions:  Say Hello To Your Fathead.  Now Listen Up!

  1. Find Me a Room With a View - I was created to be the center of attention - to live where your world can see me in all my glory!  The chart at the bottom details the best surfaces for my adhesive.  Plan was to put Troy on the main wall of the Steelers room which will be and has been our world for some time as our computers and the girls' play things are in that room.  Chart includes painted drywall.  Check!
  2. Borrow an Extra Set of Hands - If you're installing a life-size Fathead wall graphic, an extra set of hands will really come in handy.  One good friend should do the trick.  Called Kelly to let her know she was needed, but when the day came she opted to swim in the pool with Darcy and it got too late to apply Troy.  Madison filled in for the good friend part.  Check!
  3. Measure Twice.  Stick Once. - Don't be shy with the tape measure.  I am repositionable, but the sooner you have me where you want...the sooner you can show me off.  Madison measured while I stood around rolling my eyes.  I have the ability to see that things will fit on a wall perfectly.  Madison reminded me of my reading the directions rule and thus I allowed her to measure.  Troy would fit.  Check!
  4. Clean My New Home - Use a warm damp cloth and a dab of elbow grease - DO NOT USE SOAP or cleaning agents!  Allow the wall to dry completely.  I had painted the wall 35 days ago and didn't feel cleaning was necessary.  Also was afraid the paint might just peel off with a cleaning.  Felt this rule didn't apply to us.  Check!
  5. Peel & Stick - Unroll me all the way.  I need up to an hour to lay flat and relax.  Then, starting from the top, carefully peel me from my backing and apply me to my new home.  If you make a mistake, gently peel me off and reposition me in the new location.  Keep the backing for storage purposes in case you want to move me to a different wall later.  Okay, I'm thinking that this direction needs to be closer to the top say maybe somewhere next to the wait 30 days after painting instruction.  What if you have your good friend to help you for only 30 minutes?  Then you get to this direction and oh, sorry, good friend but we have to wait an hour while Troy relaxes.  Luckily I read this instruction more than once over the course of several days and I was prepared to unroll Troy and wait an hour.  He relaxed for 8 hours before we remembered him.  We followed the directions and slapped him on the wall.  Check!
  6. Smooth Moves Me - Use the squeegee provided to smooth out any wrinkles and bubbles until I look like myself again.  Start from the middle and work your way out to my edges.  This was what Madison was looking forward to, but we did such a professional job from the get-go following these instructions that there weren't any bubbles to squeegee.  Check!
  7. Share the Love - Your friends are going to dig me.  Invite them over for a peep.  Throw a bash!  Only direction we didn't follow.  I've had people over for a peep, but not thrown any bashes quite yet.  Not until the room is pulled together and completely finished.  Still to do!
Troy spent a couple of weeks in his first position before we rearranged the room and moved him over to the other end of the wall.  This time Madison was able to work the squeegee as he had quite a few bubbles that needed working out.  But he still moved easily and went right back on easily.  In fact he looks so good on the wall and makes the room come alive that I'm thinking I really need a teammate for him.  To keep him company when I'm not around.  Fathead if you're looking for a room warming gift for me us.

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