Tuesday, August 03, 2010

The summer fort

My two daughters and a friend took advantage of the clearing of the Steelers Room to build a fort. It started out as three separate forts for each girl for protection during their nerf gun fight. Eventually they moved into making one fort with three separate rooms. By the time the four room fort was complete they had used all of the blankets, comforters, and sheets in my house, 50 bobby pins, a tent, my dining room chairs, and various objects in the room. It was awesome!

Construction begins

The finished project from one angle

and another angle

The front door
The living room complete with couch, pillows, and a TV

Another view of the living room

Tom getting ready to enter Darcy's room through the circle blanket

Darcy's room complete with bed and nightstand (sorry its blurry)

Madison's room complete with bed....

and closet

Gabby's room

A fort fit for many

The girls played and slept in the fort for three days before Gabby had to return home and we had to get back to construction on the Steelers Room. Clean up was a solemn affair, not to mention time consuming with all of the washing of the sheets. In the end everyone agreed it had been worth it. It truly was the best fort ever and I've made a few in my own childhood.

Good memories for all involved!

1 comment:

  1. Loved ALL the new posts AND your new design!! Can't wait to see the Steeler's room in person:))
