Monday, September 13, 2010

Football Weekend Recap

Steelers Game:
  • Several records were set in the Steelers/Falcon game on Sunday.  Hines Ward became the 24th player in the NFL to surpass the 11,000 receiving yards mark.  He also set a record in that it was the 26th game in which he had over 100 yards in receiving.  His 6 catches in the game put him 12th on the league list of players with more than 900 receptions.  Falcon's player, Tony Gonzalez, became the first tight end in history to catch 1,000 passes.
  • Not impressed with the play callers in the booth.  Once they called a loose ball when clearly Matt Ryan was throwing as he was sacked and the whistle was blown for a dead ball.  The second time they got excited and called another wrong play that was clearly not right (I can't remember it anymore).  Then they just kept going on and on about how well the Falcons defense was playing.  Against a 4th string quarterback?  Let's reserve those accolades until we watch them against the 1st string boys.  Only thing they got right was saying that Ryan was an idiot for locking eyes with Troy Polomalu and then throwing the ball....right into Troy's hands.
  • Enjoyed the replay of Falcons coach, Mike Smith, running down the sideline trying to call a time-out and instead bending over and grabbing his hamstring that he pulled in the exertion. 
  • The Steelers defense was back in this game.  Good to have them back.
  • Troy!  Another interception for my boy and it was a doozy.  Saved the game and would have won the game if not for Jeff Reed's missed field goal that sent the game into overtime.
  • I'm still not sold on Dennis Dixon over Charlie Batch as starting quarterback, but I was impressed with the two times he stood in the pocket getting slammed by the defenders and how he kept his cool and made complete passes.  If Ward can continue to mentor him he will be a good quarterback.
  • Terry Bradshaw going off on Ben Roethlisberger on his Fox pregame show?  Entitled to his opinion, but let's not forget all the other nfl idiots out there committing "crimes", especially the ones that are charged.  Singling out Roethlisberger because you were a former Steeler or because you and he don't see eye to eye and have some history?  It was harsh, truthful and a tad humorous at the end, but it would have been more effective if this was the first time you slammed Ben.

Other NFL games:
  • How awful was the replay of Eagles fullback Leonard Weaver's leg/knee getting hurt in a tackle?  It was so bad that reportedly one teammate threw up after watching it.
  • Seriously Rex Ryan needs to get his team together and thinking about football instead of off the field antics.  Nothing was learned in Ben Roethlisberger's situation?
  • What was up with Randy Moss' boo-hooing after the game?  These athletes have got to get a grip, but contracts seriously should be taken care of before the season starts.  Think his mind is on the upcoming games?
  • Peyton Manning throws for 433 yards and the Colts still loose?  I'd say that the rest of the team needs to jump on the wagon and give the poor man some back-up.
  • Two games lost in the end zone.  Detroit Lions loose one after the receiver dumps the ball after his catch intent on celebrating.  Too bad the rule states that you have to come up on your feet with the ball in your possession.  Cowboys thrilling last minute attempt to win the game null and void after two holds are clearly spotted in the back field, one gripping the other around the neck hard enough to cut off circulation.
  • Ain't it grand to be back to football season?

1 comment:

  1. Great that football is back...not so great for my picks in a pool. How did KC beat SD? And what was up with the Cowboys. Damn, it sucked!
