Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Why I don't wear Prada or carry Coach

It is time for the second child's turn with braces.  So far she has had three other appointments in preparation for this big day.  First some teeth were pulled, then impressions were taken, and then spacers were put in.  At the spacer appointment she was suppose to get a tongue appliance, otherwise known as the "rake" or the "fence", otherwise known as the appliance that will stop her from sucking her thumb.  Of course, that isn't what the orthodontist's plan is for the appliance.  He is using it to stop her tongue thrust where she rests her tongue against the back of her front teeth instead of on the roof of her mouth.

During that spacer appointment, the appliance wasn't ready yet and so out came Darcy smiling happily at the thought of another four weeks of sucking her thumb.  She had also been warned by her sister that the spacers between each teeth were miserable and to expect pain.  Instead the technician only put in two spacers because Darcy's teeth are far apart enough without them.  Quite a nice little visit.

This week she has been sucking every chance she gets.  I hate that it has come to this.  I too sucked my thumb until I was twelve, but I had to do it on the sly or listen to my parents growl and yell.  I got pretty sneaky at it, even removing my retainer at night so I could suck my thumb.  I vowed not to let that happen to Darcy, and for the most part we have allowed her to suck quite peacefully. 

Today we set off for the orthodontist for the horrid appliance and braces on her top teeth.  I admit I shed some tears this morning beforehand because as long as she was sucking that thumb I could pretend she was still my little baby girl.  She was a tad excited about getting braces and joining the middle school crowd, but apprehensive about the appliance.

The appointment took two hours and when she appeared she was smiling.  The appliance hadn't fit.  It was too wide for her mouth and the prongs weren't coming down behind her teeth, but in front.  It has to be sent back.  Four more weeks of thumb sucking.

I have one happy kid....braces and all!


  1. Hahaha...too funny! She looks very cute with her braces:)) I'm sure she is so happy that she has another 4 weeks! Way to go Darcy!

  2. Why did you let Darcy grow up so fast?
    And you really would wear Prada and carry Coach if you had the money? Spend it on a swagger wagon instead!!!
